In response to a recent internet news article regarding the reciting of the Pledge of
Allegiance in Arabic by our school children, I wrote:
I feel the same way about it as I do Catholic priests who celebrate Sunday Mass in English
rather than Latin. Too much of the real message is lost in the translation.
I also see this in much the same way as I did the attempt by Muslim leaders in New York
to build a mosque near "Ground Zero," shortly after the 9/11 attack on the Twin towers by
"soldiers of Allah," killing nearly 3000 Americans; i.e., as a deliberate attempt to pour salt
into America's open wound.
Moreover, the Islamic extremists, and their "silent supporters," will see this as yet another
weakness in our resolve to protect the freedoms we cherish--not only for ourselves, but for
good people around the world. This is just the kind of political correctness that emboldens
them to strike again and again.
Allegiance in Arabic by our school children, I wrote:
I feel the same way about it as I do Catholic priests who celebrate Sunday Mass in English
rather than Latin. Too much of the real message is lost in the translation.
I also see this in much the same way as I did the attempt by Muslim leaders in New York
to build a mosque near "Ground Zero," shortly after the 9/11 attack on the Twin towers by
"soldiers of Allah," killing nearly 3000 Americans; i.e., as a deliberate attempt to pour salt
into America's open wound.
Moreover, the Islamic extremists, and their "silent supporters," will see this as yet another
weakness in our resolve to protect the freedoms we cherish--not only for ourselves, but for
good people around the world. This is just the kind of political correctness that emboldens
them to strike again and again.