by Vito Tomasino
While I am relieved that limited missile strikes against the Assad regime have been put
on hold—at least until the current diplomatic effort has run its course—I question the
wisdom of trusting a man like Putin to resolve the issue in anyone's favor but his.
He threw President Obama a lifeline that would allow him to back away from his empty
"red-line" threat and he bit. Then he had the temerity to lecture our President on American
exceptionalism in a New York Times op-ed piece. How can anything positive result from
this recent display of weakness by the President?
I wish members of Congress all the best in resolving this, and the current debt ceiling
issue in the coming weeks, not to mention the other so-called "phony scandals" such as:
the NSA recording of cell phone calls, IRS targeting of Republican political groups, Fast
and Furious, and, of course, Benghazi.
"What difference at this point does it make?" These were the words practically screamed
out by Hillary Clinton in frustration over her inability respond with plausible answers to
the questions put to her by members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigating
the Benghazi tragedy. To most Americans, particularly the families of the four men killed
that night, it makes all the difference in the world, Madame Secretary.
Why did the Secretary of State, the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense,
and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sit on their hands and do nothing, as they
watched the slaughter of four brave Americans on a live television feed? Indeed, why was
a rescue team, ready to leave Tripoli within an hour of the attack, and F-16 fighter jets based
in Aviano, Italy, that could have been over Benghazi in four hours, ordered to stand down?
By whom? Does anyone other than the Commander-in-Chief have the authority to sanction
such an order?
The American people deserve to know the truth of what happened in Benghazi. It was
obviously not a spontaneous response to an obscure Youtube video critical of the Prophet
Mohammed posted months before, as we were told by Susan Rice, Mrs. Clinton, and the
President himself. Anyone in the Situation Room, who watched events unfold in Benghazi
in real time, knew it was a planned attack by trained, well armed terrorists.
Why the lies? To answer that question one need only look at who stood to benefit by their
The President won his bid for a second term, Ms. Rice has since been promoted to National
Security Advisor—no doubt a disappointment, but one that may still be rectified if, or when
the Benghazi fiasco can safely be put to rest— and Mrs. Clinton was never called to task for
the arrogance and insensitivity she displayed before the Senate Committee. Instead, she has
been awarded the Liberty Medal for her outstanding service—presented to her by Jeb Bush,
a Republican—and is being touted as the next President of the United States.
I believe I speak for the majority of angry Americans who do understand the difference it
makes, and are tired of the deception and lies coming from our government, when I ask:
What in the name of reason and sanity is going on?