By Vito Tomasino
Imagine a battlefield general who is told by his intelligence people that intercepted phone
calls between enemy units revealed their plans to attack several key positions under his
command. What would he do? Would he immediately “shut down” those positions, take
his troops out of harm’s way, and hope the enemy does not attack? Of course not. Wars
are not won by conceding territory, but by taking it, or, at least, holding it.
No, that general would not back away in the face of an enemy threat. Rather, he would
see it as an opportunity to inflict even greater damage to his antagonists by reinforcing
those positions with additional troops and fire support, and daring them to try. “Let the
bastards come,” would be his battle cry—as it was for men like “Chesty” Puller, George
Patton,“Skinny”Wainwright, Jimmy Doolittle, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, Teddy
Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and so many other
courageous leaders of our past whose decisive actions kept us strong and free for more
than two centuries.
Recently, our “generals” in Washington had just such an opportunity presented to them
and they chose to run rather than fight. Instead of reinforcing our embassies they chose
to close them indefinitely and, in so doing, gave the terrorists a victory without them
having to fire a single bullet. The terrorists now know, that all they have to do to disrupt
the government of the most powerful nation on earth is to make a cell phone call to their
buddies. They must be wringing their hands over the possibilities it presents.
Sadly, these same “generals” will claim this as a victory over terrorism and try to sell their
spineless response to us as justification for an intelligence gathering program that collects
phone call and e-mail data on every American citizen. They will do this without realizing,
that by their timid reactions to enemy threats, and their expedient disregard of our
constitutional rights, they are doing the terrorist’s job for them.
“Appeasement of the enemy has never, in any time in history, resulted in anything but
disaster for the appeasers.” vt