Open Letter to Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, May 2024
In 2016 Donald J. Trump left behind a comfortable, stress-free lifestyle to take on the
most difficult job in the world, President of the United States. He did it over the objections
of his partying friends—such as the Clinton's, Bush's and a host of other rich, influential people--
knowing full well that he would be alienating himself from them. Why would he do that?
He did it because he is a true American patriot who did not like the direction they were
taking our country and wanted to stop it before it was too late to do so. He knew that
eight years of a Hilliary Clinton Presidency would have driven the final nails into America’s
coffin. They did not take him seriously then and, as a result, lost the election.
They have no intention of making that same mistake again and are pulling out every dirty
trick in the book to ensure they do not. Witness the recent sham trial that found him guilty
of all charges; which were nothing more than misdemeanors long past the statute of
limitations and upgraded to felonies by a vindictive Attorney General out to get Trump.
Because the Democrats have no positive record to run on, they are now trying to
scare the American people into believing that Trump is an evil dictator out to destroy
our country; even the world, who will never give up power once he is back in the Oval
Office—if you believe that enlightened sage from La-La Land. I challenge them, you,
anyone, to name one thing Trump did while he was President that would support
such an unhinged claim.
While you are trying to find that “one thing,” let me recount some of the accomplishments
of the Trump Administration: President Trump secured our southern border; lowered taxes,
giving us a booming economy of low interest rates, an inflation rate of two percent, higher
wages for everyone, especially minority workers; made us energy independent; forced the
leaders of our NATO allies to pay their fair share in support of their own defense;
moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem (something previous Presidents promised
to do, but never did), re-negotiated trade agreements with Canada and Mexico, placed
tariffs on government subsidized Chinese imports to the USA, both of which helped
level the playing field for our workers and corporations, increased sanctions on Iran,
making it difficult for it to support worldwide terrorism, or continue their quest for
a nuclear weapon; cooled off the “Rocket Man” from North Korea, and let Xi Zing
Ping and Putin know we were still the most powerful nation on the planet.
President Trump accomplished all of these things and more within his first three
years in office. Moreover, he did so while under the most intense opposition from
both sides of the political aisle, endless investigations, and two impeachments. He
withstood those attacks from his political enemies like the brash New York fighter
he is; and stands stronger and more popular today then the day he first threw
his hat into the Presidential Ring. If this next election is only somewhat fair, he
will win it in a landslide victory even if he is sitting in a jail cell.
But, “therein lies the rub.” Fairness in our election process is no longer something
we can take for granted no more than we can assume equal justice under the law;
which is why I addressed this letter to you, Mr. Kennedy. You, and you alone, have the
opportunity to save our Democratic-Republic, and restore the legitimacy of our two-party
system, by throwing the weight of your popular candidacy behind a man with the courage
and determination to Make America Great Again. He did it once before, and staved
off the collapse of our great country, and he will do it again.
Given President Biden’s lack of support from his own party and the never-ending attacks
against former President Trump, I understand why you may believe your candidacy has
a chance to win the general election. But, that has never been accomplished in the history
of our country, and it is not likely to happen this time. Donald Trump’s popularity and
support is even stronger today than it was four years ago. Indeed, if the Biden
administration succeeded in accomplishing anything positive, it was to wake up a
segment of the American public who had once thought they could trust their elected
officials to look after their best interests, especially their President. I believe most of
them are true American patriots who will vote for Donald J. Trump—not you, certainly
not Biden.
Once again, for the reasons I cited above, please consider my suggestion to drop out of the
race for the Presidency and put the full weight of your candidacy behind Donald J. Trump.
Doing so would not only assure his victory, but may well be the catalyst needed to restore
a legitimate two-party system in our Republic. You have the opportunity—when Historians
write of this critical juncture in American history—to reaffirm the prestige of the Kennedy name.
Vito Tomasino
In 2016 Donald J. Trump left behind a comfortable, stress-free lifestyle to take on the
most difficult job in the world, President of the United States. He did it over the objections
of his partying friends—such as the Clinton's, Bush's and a host of other rich, influential people--
knowing full well that he would be alienating himself from them. Why would he do that?
He did it because he is a true American patriot who did not like the direction they were
taking our country and wanted to stop it before it was too late to do so. He knew that
eight years of a Hilliary Clinton Presidency would have driven the final nails into America’s
coffin. They did not take him seriously then and, as a result, lost the election.
They have no intention of making that same mistake again and are pulling out every dirty
trick in the book to ensure they do not. Witness the recent sham trial that found him guilty
of all charges; which were nothing more than misdemeanors long past the statute of
limitations and upgraded to felonies by a vindictive Attorney General out to get Trump.
Because the Democrats have no positive record to run on, they are now trying to
scare the American people into believing that Trump is an evil dictator out to destroy
our country; even the world, who will never give up power once he is back in the Oval
Office—if you believe that enlightened sage from La-La Land. I challenge them, you,
anyone, to name one thing Trump did while he was President that would support
such an unhinged claim.
While you are trying to find that “one thing,” let me recount some of the accomplishments
of the Trump Administration: President Trump secured our southern border; lowered taxes,
giving us a booming economy of low interest rates, an inflation rate of two percent, higher
wages for everyone, especially minority workers; made us energy independent; forced the
leaders of our NATO allies to pay their fair share in support of their own defense;
moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem (something previous Presidents promised
to do, but never did), re-negotiated trade agreements with Canada and Mexico, placed
tariffs on government subsidized Chinese imports to the USA, both of which helped
level the playing field for our workers and corporations, increased sanctions on Iran,
making it difficult for it to support worldwide terrorism, or continue their quest for
a nuclear weapon; cooled off the “Rocket Man” from North Korea, and let Xi Zing
Ping and Putin know we were still the most powerful nation on the planet.
President Trump accomplished all of these things and more within his first three
years in office. Moreover, he did so while under the most intense opposition from
both sides of the political aisle, endless investigations, and two impeachments. He
withstood those attacks from his political enemies like the brash New York fighter
he is; and stands stronger and more popular today then the day he first threw
his hat into the Presidential Ring. If this next election is only somewhat fair, he
will win it in a landslide victory even if he is sitting in a jail cell.
But, “therein lies the rub.” Fairness in our election process is no longer something
we can take for granted no more than we can assume equal justice under the law;
which is why I addressed this letter to you, Mr. Kennedy. You, and you alone, have the
opportunity to save our Democratic-Republic, and restore the legitimacy of our two-party
system, by throwing the weight of your popular candidacy behind a man with the courage
and determination to Make America Great Again. He did it once before, and staved
off the collapse of our great country, and he will do it again.
Given President Biden’s lack of support from his own party and the never-ending attacks
against former President Trump, I understand why you may believe your candidacy has
a chance to win the general election. But, that has never been accomplished in the history
of our country, and it is not likely to happen this time. Donald Trump’s popularity and
support is even stronger today than it was four years ago. Indeed, if the Biden
administration succeeded in accomplishing anything positive, it was to wake up a
segment of the American public who had once thought they could trust their elected
officials to look after their best interests, especially their President. I believe most of
them are true American patriots who will vote for Donald J. Trump—not you, certainly
not Biden.
Once again, for the reasons I cited above, please consider my suggestion to drop out of the
race for the Presidency and put the full weight of your candidacy behind Donald J. Trump.
Doing so would not only assure his victory, but may well be the catalyst needed to restore
a legitimate two-party system in our Republic. You have the opportunity—when Historians
write of this critical juncture in American history—to reaffirm the prestige of the Kennedy name.
Vito Tomasino
Crisis by Design
by Vito Tomasino
Why would the President of the United States deliberately open the floodgates
to an invasion of our nation by people from all over the world, including our
enemies? The Democrats would have us believe that doing so will improve
their chances of harvesting more votes for the party and consolidate their hold
on power. Are their motives really that simplistic?
Should it not be assumed—particularly by those government agencies
responsible for our security—that among the millions of souls pouring across our
southern border, are those sent here to reconstitute terrorist cells throughout the
country. Our FBI Director has only recently acknowledged that possibility and is
now warning us of a major terrorist attack happening this year. And let’s not forget
those who die on that long trek from Venezuela, through Central America, and Mexico
to get to our border, the women and children who are being raped and sex-trafficked,
and the drugs smuggled into our country, killing more of our young people every
year than were lost during decades of our involvement in Vietnam, Iraq,
and Afghanistan combined.
Ironically, we spend billions more of our national treasure to protect the borders
of Ukraine and Israel than we do our own. Why is that? Why is Biden unwilling to
sign a bill that would tie the military appropriations for these countries with
money going to actually secure our own border, unless it is used for the processing
of even more immigrants?
The State of Texas had no choice but to take action to secure its border only to
be sued by the Federal Government to cut the razor wire that was effectively
keeping the immigrants out. Governor Abbot took an oath to protect the citizens
of his State, as the President of the United States did to insure the protection
of all Americans. Abbot is fulfilling his oath. Biden is not only not doing so, he
is doing everything he can to stop him. Why?
I have asked “why” four times in this essay. It’s time we addressed it. First,
let’s look at what it is not. Biden’s actions, and inactions are not due to his
obvious mental deterioration or incompetence, both of which were obvious before
he even became President. His “handlers” (for lack of a better word) are the
ones planning his every move and, as far as possible, scripting his every word.
What do they seek to achieve with policies they have instituted through their
puppet president, and the dismantling of the Trump policies that were working?
They knew that an open border and the invitation to come to America by
this administration would result in an invasion of immigrants that would eventually
overload the resources of cities across our country and create a humanitarian and
financial crisis that would “fundamentally change the United States of America.”
We had a President, not too long ago, who promised to do just that. His name,
Barak Obama. He took up residence a few miles from the White House. No
less a puppet than Biden while he held the office, he is still seen as useful
by the ultimate puppeteers—as a middleman puppeteer, if you will.
What exactly did Obama mean by his promise to fundamentally change the
greatest, richest, most powerful democracy the world has ever seen? He, rather his
handlers, want to bring America to its knees, destroy its economy, weaken its
military, and establish a one-party system of government that would give them
absolute control over our lives and the lives of every human being on this planet.
These self-anointed “Emperors of the World,” seem to believe that their obscene
wealth gives them the wisdom to dictate how the rest of us should live our lives.
They tell us to eat bugs and laboratory produced meat, drive electric vehicles
and live in all electrically powered homes, while they sit smugly on “Mount Davos”
enjoying lavish caviar and filet mignon dinners, fly around the world in their private
jets, and hold court on their billion dollar yachts.
The only major obstacle standing in the way of achieving their goal of one-world
government is the United States of America. If we go down, the rest of the world
goes with us. Thus, we must be taken down so they can establish a Socialist-
Communist dictatorship that will control our lives from cradle to grave. Under the
rule of these presumptuous gods we would be no freer to determine how we live
our lives than slaves.
We have an opportunity—perhaps, the last—to take back our government
and secure the freedom so many of our men and women sacrificed their lives
to preserve. Choosing our next President in 2024 may be the most consequential
vote we ever cast. Trump has proven his ability to turn things around after eight
divisive years of Obama and I believe, if elected, he will clean up Biden’s
mess as well. His nomination looks to be assured, but so did his bid for reelection
in 2020. Based on past accomplishments he had more than earned a second
term. However, nothing can be taken for granted in today’s America; not free
and fair elections, not even equal justice under the law. Who the Republicans run,
however, is not as critical to the survival of our democracy as is wresting control
from the power brokers behind the most influential throne in the world.
The End
by Vito Tomasino
Why would the President of the United States deliberately open the floodgates
to an invasion of our nation by people from all over the world, including our
enemies? The Democrats would have us believe that doing so will improve
their chances of harvesting more votes for the party and consolidate their hold
on power. Are their motives really that simplistic?
Should it not be assumed—particularly by those government agencies
responsible for our security—that among the millions of souls pouring across our
southern border, are those sent here to reconstitute terrorist cells throughout the
country. Our FBI Director has only recently acknowledged that possibility and is
now warning us of a major terrorist attack happening this year. And let’s not forget
those who die on that long trek from Venezuela, through Central America, and Mexico
to get to our border, the women and children who are being raped and sex-trafficked,
and the drugs smuggled into our country, killing more of our young people every
year than were lost during decades of our involvement in Vietnam, Iraq,
and Afghanistan combined.
Ironically, we spend billions more of our national treasure to protect the borders
of Ukraine and Israel than we do our own. Why is that? Why is Biden unwilling to
sign a bill that would tie the military appropriations for these countries with
money going to actually secure our own border, unless it is used for the processing
of even more immigrants?
The State of Texas had no choice but to take action to secure its border only to
be sued by the Federal Government to cut the razor wire that was effectively
keeping the immigrants out. Governor Abbot took an oath to protect the citizens
of his State, as the President of the United States did to insure the protection
of all Americans. Abbot is fulfilling his oath. Biden is not only not doing so, he
is doing everything he can to stop him. Why?
I have asked “why” four times in this essay. It’s time we addressed it. First,
let’s look at what it is not. Biden’s actions, and inactions are not due to his
obvious mental deterioration or incompetence, both of which were obvious before
he even became President. His “handlers” (for lack of a better word) are the
ones planning his every move and, as far as possible, scripting his every word.
What do they seek to achieve with policies they have instituted through their
puppet president, and the dismantling of the Trump policies that were working?
They knew that an open border and the invitation to come to America by
this administration would result in an invasion of immigrants that would eventually
overload the resources of cities across our country and create a humanitarian and
financial crisis that would “fundamentally change the United States of America.”
We had a President, not too long ago, who promised to do just that. His name,
Barak Obama. He took up residence a few miles from the White House. No
less a puppet than Biden while he held the office, he is still seen as useful
by the ultimate puppeteers—as a middleman puppeteer, if you will.
What exactly did Obama mean by his promise to fundamentally change the
greatest, richest, most powerful democracy the world has ever seen? He, rather his
handlers, want to bring America to its knees, destroy its economy, weaken its
military, and establish a one-party system of government that would give them
absolute control over our lives and the lives of every human being on this planet.
These self-anointed “Emperors of the World,” seem to believe that their obscene
wealth gives them the wisdom to dictate how the rest of us should live our lives.
They tell us to eat bugs and laboratory produced meat, drive electric vehicles
and live in all electrically powered homes, while they sit smugly on “Mount Davos”
enjoying lavish caviar and filet mignon dinners, fly around the world in their private
jets, and hold court on their billion dollar yachts.
The only major obstacle standing in the way of achieving their goal of one-world
government is the United States of America. If we go down, the rest of the world
goes with us. Thus, we must be taken down so they can establish a Socialist-
Communist dictatorship that will control our lives from cradle to grave. Under the
rule of these presumptuous gods we would be no freer to determine how we live
our lives than slaves.
We have an opportunity—perhaps, the last—to take back our government
and secure the freedom so many of our men and women sacrificed their lives
to preserve. Choosing our next President in 2024 may be the most consequential
vote we ever cast. Trump has proven his ability to turn things around after eight
divisive years of Obama and I believe, if elected, he will clean up Biden’s
mess as well. His nomination looks to be assured, but so did his bid for reelection
in 2020. Based on past accomplishments he had more than earned a second
term. However, nothing can be taken for granted in today’s America; not free
and fair elections, not even equal justice under the law. Who the Republicans run,
however, is not as critical to the survival of our democracy as is wresting control
from the power brokers behind the most influential throne in the world.
The End